Job Seeker Services

We provide the following key services to individuals seeking employment:
- Resource Lab – easy access to phones, fax machines, Internet-connected computers, printers, and copiers. You can access job banks, apply for Financial Aid assistance for education and training programs, or use our job readiness e-resources
- Resume Development
- Skills Assessments (WIN) – provide you with a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses
- Employability Workshops – hosts workshops on a wide range of topics: conducting a job search, filling out an application and interviewing, resume writing and job readiness
- Job Development Assistance – assistance with job searches
- Financial Aid Assistance – provides up-to-date information and helps you complete the applications needed to apply for financial aid.
- SC Economic Data – data and trends from the SC Department of Employment and Workforce’s Labor Market Information Division.
- Occupational Resources – assistance to make good career choices
- Individualized and Training Services – includes individual career management, career counseling, paid education and occupational skills training, OJT, and more
The WIOA Title-I financially assisted program is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Speech and hearing impaired individuals may use the TTY Relay Service by dialing 711.
© Santee-Lynches Workforce Development Board. All rights reserved.