Regional Development Corporation (RDC)

The Santee-Lynches RDC was established in 1983 as a 501(c)(4) tax exempt entity. The mission of the RDC is to further economic development and quality of life for Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee, and Sumter Counties by initiating and implementing activities that facilitate economic development and social welfare in the four-county region.
The RDC strives to accomplish its mission by nurturing an increase in employment opportunities through the expansion of existing business and industry, the attraction of new business and industry and those activities directly related to tax-based growth. The RDC also strives to promote and assist in the development of residential housing in the 4-county jurisdictions. This covers affordable housing in the traditional sense, but also affordable housing for front-line workers (first responders, teachers, nurses, etc.), who cannot afford to live in the communities they serve.
The RDC’s actions are intentionally congruent with and directly support the region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).